Benefit corporations

Have you heard of a “benefit corporation” before?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 18.2%

&#8226 No &#8211 81.8%

Do you think the benefit-corporation structure, which allows non-financial factors to be placed ahead of profit, is something that should be offered in Rhode Island?

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&#8226 Yes &#8211 20%

&#8226 No &#8211 10%

&#8226 Not sure &#8211 70%

How likely are you to purchase goods/services from a benefit corporation with a social or environmental mission you support, versus a standard for-profit corporation?

&#8226 More likely &#8211 30%

&#8226 Equally likely &#8211 60%

&#8226 Less likely &#8211 10%

Would you ever consider being a shareholder of a benefit corporation?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 30%

&#8226 No &#8211 70%

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