Employee input

On what topic do you receive the most suggestions from employees?

&#8226 Marketing &#8211 46.2%

&#8226 Customer service &#8211 15.4%

&#8226 Operations &#8211 15.4%

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&#8226 Special projects &#8211 7.7%

&#8226 Other &#8211 15.4%

Do you provide incentives/rewards to employees who make suggestions?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 15.4%

&#8226 No &#8211 84.6%

Typically, how often do you receive suggestions from employees?

&#8226 Daily &#8211 15.4%

&#8226 Weekly &#8211 23.1%

&#8226 Monthly &#8211 46.2%

&#8226 A few times per year &#8211 15.4%

How often do you seek out suggestions from your employees?

&#8226 Often &#8211 69.2%

&#8226 Sometimes &#8211 30.8%

&#8226 Never &#8211 0%

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