R.I. nonprofits receive ?grants for housing

PROVIDENCE – Three nonprofit housing-assistance organizations will receive a total of $564,235 to help preserve and develop affordable rental housing and counsel struggling homeowners, Sen. Jack Reed announced last week.
The federal NeighborWorks America program is awarding federal grants to Rhode Island’s NeighborWorks affiliates in Providence and Woonsocket:
&#8226 West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation, Providence; $296,000.
&#8226 NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley, Woonsocket; $211,835.
&#8226 CommunityWorks Rhode Island, Providence; $56,400.
The grants will be used to help stabilize neighborhoods in Providence and Woonsocket hard-hit by the foreclosure and economic crisis; provide counseling for homeowners on the brink of foreclosure; acquire vacant and foreclosed properties and convert them into affordable rental or for-sale housing units; provide financial and homeownership education and counseling to first-time homebuyers; and produce and manage affordable, high-quality rental properties. &#8226

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