Set big goals to make big gains

Atrion's Tim Hebert has had quite a run: winner in PBN's 2012 Business Excellence Awards program for leadership; No. 1 Best Place To Work and No. 3 spot on the Fastest-Growing Companies list for big companies in 2014. He shares some of what he has learned along the way. / PBN PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY
Atrion's Tim Hebert has had quite a run: winner in PBN's 2012 Business Excellence Awards program for leadership; No. 1 Best Place To Work and No. 3 spot on the Fastest-Growing Companies list for big companies in 2014. He shares some of what he has learned along the way. / PBN PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

When I was 4 years old, I found a ginormous rock in the woods. It became my superhero headquarters, the place I dreamt of grand adventures. Unfortunately, within a few months we moved, and my rock became a distant memory. After 20 years, I trekked through copses of trees to find my rock and –

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