The Twitter you may not know, but should

What’s in a tweet? For most people it’s a post and a prayer.
For me, it’s value, information others can use, followers, reputation, image, re-tweets, customers, referrals, sales, and money. Is that enough?
Twitter has the power to generate awareness, create value attraction, keep you or your brand at top-of-mind status, and build relationships. Is that enough to get you to participate?
I want to share some advice about twitter: I am NOT passing myself off as an “expert,” and there is nothing to buy, and no free webinar to attend. These are just my observations and successes based on the past fouryears of my participation.
Here are my stats as of this writing:
My twitter handle is my name: @gitomer
Followers – 60,580
Following – 17,109
Tweets – 3,127
Average tweets per day – four
Average links to view a video or an offer – one per day.
Average number of re-tweets/favorites per day – 25-75 per tweet.
New followers per day – 30-50.
Here are 3.5 things I recommend you do in order to really benefit from Twitter:
1. Have an objective and a strategy. Twitter is intended for you to inform with value, influence, brand, and (on occasion) to converse or respond, not chit-chat. The value of your tweets will determine who stays with you and re-tweets you. When I see someone with 14,500 tweets and 285 followers, two words come to mind: NO VALUE. I often use the direct message feature to respond, rather than an open tweet – that’s meaningless to everyone else.
2. Create a list of value-based tweets and subjects you intend to tweet about. Be prepared at least a week in advance. Keep a Twitter file that documents ideas and possible tweets. I tweet quotes from my books, and thoughts that come to me during the day (or night). You can also re-tweet others if you believe it helps your followers.
NOTE: I try to leave at least 10 characters open, so that others can easily re-tweet me.
NOTE: If you re-tweet me or favor me, I’ll follow you as a courtesy.
3. Approach followers of strategic value. You have an email list. INVITE each person to follow you PERSONALLY. In an email, tell each person about your twitter participation, LIST A FEW OF YOUR TWEETS, and ask them to follow you by clicking a link and the follow button. If you have 1,000 people on your list, and 250 follow you, it’s a GREAT start. Continue to send your tweets out weekly to the rest of the list, and them again to follow you. This will take time, but the earning potential exceeds the stupid TV show you’re watching. 3.5 Be consistent. Tweet every day, at least once a day.
Don’t DM (direct message) me saying “Thanks for the follow.” It’s an annoying waste of my time and yours. Instead, how about sending me the same kind of message I sent you – ONE OF VALUE. A message to make me think, make me smile, or make me money. Insincere politeness and phony thanks makes you sound like a bad flight attendant, reading from a script, into a bad microphone, behind a wall.
Your Twitter outreach is not going anywhere if:
• You talk with other people in superficial chatter more than 10 percent of your tweets.
• You re-tweet others more than 50 percent of the time.
• You fail to tweet your own thoughts.
• You have nothing but sales messages with a link to buy something.
• You’re only trying to get people to “go here” to “read this” and “see my blog post” or “watch this video.”
Being re-tweeted is the key. My goal is 100 re-tweets a day
Photo and video is becoming commonplace. Do not abuse it. Show value, not your backyard BBQ.
Your links better work – especially if they’re to your website, your blog, or other social media like LinkedIn.
Please don’t offer advice for sale, or call yourself an expert, if you don’t have AT LEAST 50,000 followers.
I am amazed at how few sales professionals and sales leaders are not taking advantage of Twitter. It’s a resource, it’s a broadcast medium, it’s a vital recognition tool, it’s a reputation builder, and it’s free.
Tweet that. I just did. At 7:30 am. In less than two hours I had 9 new followers, and 43 re-tweets or favorites that reached (influenced) MORE than 75,000 people. For free.
How’s your morning going?
Want a list of my most powerful tweets? Go to, register if you’re a first-time visitor and enter the word TWITTER in the GitBit box. •

Jeffrey Gitomer is president of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer. He can be reached at (704) 333-1112 or email to

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