Year-end bonuses

Did you award any year-end bonuses last year?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 50%

&#8226 No &#8211 50%

Do you plan on awarding year-end bonuses this year?

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&#8226 Yes &#8211 58.3%

&#8226 No &#8211 33.3%

&#8226 Not sure &#8211 8.3%

How will year-end bonuses this year compare to last year?

&#8226 The same &#8211 50%

&#8226 Higher &#8211 16.7%

&#8226 Lower &#8211 0%

&#8226 Not applicable &#8211 33.3%

For which reason are you more apt to award a bonus?

&#8226 Recognition of team job performance &#8211 58.3%

&#8226 Recognition of individual job performance &#8211 33.3%

&#8226 Retention of employees who may have
opportunities elsewhere &#8211 8.3%

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